[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] SAX and DTD-reading
Hi all, Question : is there any way, with SAX, to determine how an attribute was defined, if this happened thru an entity ? To be more specific : I'm writing a WBXML encoder, enabling one to encode XML into a WBXML bytecode stream. What I need it for is for encoding WML to WMLC. Now, certain specifications in WMLC state that if an attribute was defined as %href; (or whatever), such and such defaults apply. My problem is, when I use the DeclHandler, all I get back as attribute definition is CDATA (which is what %href; resolves to). Since I want to make the stuff as open as possible (it is going to be released as open source, so it'd better be neat :-) ), and I want to be able to put in new wbxml standards easily, I'm looking for a good way to determine the entity used for defining the attribute - short of parsing the DTD myself (which I think is overkill). Is it at all possible with any parser ? Using SAX ? Thanx !! Philip Arickx Empower Interactive
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