[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] RE: RDF, the "semantic web", and the nadir of AI (was RE: Realist ic pro
The difference in these points of view is: o Semantic web - the web is a vast library of flat resources for which I need an intelligent librarian to find and make associations then tell me if what I mean is what it means o Services web - the web is vast machine which provides products that can be procured by contacting the provider and exchanging information If a semantic web is just fixing URNs in the place of FPIs and System IDs to locate a schema, fine. Nothing new here, but yes, that is what one does as part of the creation of a service. Once you have documents to exchange ( 1. Discovery of service. 2. Agree to terms of service. 3. Contract with service 4. Receive products. You don't have to agree to the document's meaning a priori, you need sufficient information to determine they are the kind you want, then negotiate terms by which the process closes or remediates Much easier than debating the meaning of meaning. Semantic web simply comes down to, it is meaningful to me. IOW, does the service provider accept responsibility for ensuring I get the product I requested in accordance with the terms to which we agreed and to which we affixed signatory authority. Len Bullard Intergraph Public Safety clbullar@i... http://www.mp3.com/LenBullard Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti. Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h
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