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Recently I bought an ISO spec online through the ANSI web store (http://webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/default.asp). I can't remember which one it was (so many specs these days), but I do remember that it was about 1/3 of the cost listed on the ISO site. The spec on the ISO site was offered in print via mail only whereas ANSI offered it as was PDF only. -Mike -----Original Message----- From: KenNorth [mailto:KenNorth@e...] Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 1:10 AM To: xml-dev@l... Subject: Re: sunshine and standards development Rick Jelliffe writes: > As some-one else has noted, ISO (and national standards bodies) have > faced a real problem with the advent of the WWW that they funded > themselves largely by publication charges. This is not a business model > that can compete against WWW feebies: ISO may be awakening. It's experimenting with a web store, and member standards organization have created web stores. It costs $18 US to buy the C++ standard from ANSI. I wonder whether the pricing is uniform across all member organizations. If I were to buy from the British Standards Institute, for example, would I pay an equivalent price?
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