[XML-DEV Mailing List Archive Home] [By Thread] [By Date] [Recent Entries] [Reply To This Message] Re: Improved writing -- who's going to pay for it?
> Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 14:29:00 -0700 > From: Ronald Bourret <rpbourret@r...> > To: xml-dev@l... > Subject: Re: Improved writing -- who's going to pay for it? Though reluctant to add to an already overworked and protracted plurilog on standards writing, I would say in support of Ronald Bourret: > I would like to plead semi-advanced brain death. I detected no early senility, but a welcome reminder of principles (maybe axioms) I learned were foundational to software engineering, and transferrable to formal specification (standards) development/publishing. > Traditional documentation is split roughly into user's > guides (which give the big picture and walk you through > the most important details) and reference material (which > give all the details in fairly terse form). The analogy seems fitting to me. But an important observation is that online/electronic documents liberate us from some of the constraints which (in paper-print) hitherto required separate documents for "reference" and "user guide." We can use transclusion (or weaker normalized strategy) and hyperlinking to accommodate a wide variety of learners -- using "views" along with reader profiles. Tim Bray modeled this in the annotated XML spec (Bob DuCharme in a less versatile way through a paper-print analog). Far more can be done using currently-available publishing platforms. Using hyperlinks and filtered views (graded to the match the reader's background and reading objectives), it's possible to combine the spec and the tutorial in a single publication for end-user documentation. Start with user profiles and a matching taxonomy of link types. Superior pedagogical strategy may dictate altering the order of presentation in the tutorial/primer/guide (vis-a-vis the spec's fixed order) to match the learning style of the typical non-expert reader. But with links, order doesn't matter so much: one "clicks" to the related discussion that stands in the way of understanding momentarily. Some learning styles favor starting with a tutorial linked to the spec, while others favor linking to commentary from the spec. Adopting this perspective should liberate spec writers from the obligation to include too much "user guide" information in the spec. The significant question may be whether (e.g.,) W3C believes that end-user documentation is part of its mandate, or within its proper remit. If not, spec writers may still feel the need to put exposition nominal into the spec itself. > The W3C is in a somewhat unique position, attempting to introduce new > material in spec form. This generally frustrates people who are reading > the spec for the first time, since the spec lacks adequate user's guide > material and, because the subject is often new, there is no other > material to read for background. It's analogous in my view to software development. The agency producing the spec should assume responsibility for producing clear exposition of the formal language. Another principle comes into play, however: that software architects and programmers should not be allowed (much less required) to produce the general-user-level documentation. They are too close to the problem, and too pickled in the jargon that assumes familiarity with spec-talk discussion. They cannot easily disabuse themselves of the kind of knowledge that may be essential for the newcomer/outsider. This principle, if applicable, suggests that W3C would commission and review user-level documentation written by an "outsider". Such an arrangement seems preferable to what we have now: dozens of publishers wanting to rake in easy money by employing non- expert writers to produce (quickly!) largely unrefereed works, which -- in my experience -- typically contain errors of fact as well as bad opinionated advice that would not pass muster if it were reviewed by the technical committee producing the spec. > However, I would like to say that good reference material generally > does, for each item, contain a sentence or two giving context and > motivation and a very short example. I do think this would be a good > idea in the structures spec. Sure. Transclude, more or less, according to the reader profile, in a document designed for outsider consumption. For what it's worth. Robin Cover
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