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Trust but verify. They are not required; just useful. If they use them well, they prosper. If not, they patch. Patching costs money. Darwin rules. If the interoperability enablers become like snatching bits of hits to get a rap or hip hop arrangement, then the yawn factor will out. Style counts. One can macro anything and call that design, and at some level, it is. Madeleine Sparks used to beat me up about setting out to design something without clear and precise requirements. Some believe in loose requirements and winnowing. Some believe in tight requirements and testing. Ya gets what ya puts in. Cost/benefit for the XML family of specifications: that would be an interesting study. I can do without a lot of them given other infrastructure. XLinks are neat, but not the only way to get that job done. XPath is crucial for working with XML trees, but I can do the same thing with a relational database. It really depends on just how far one wants to push XML as an application enabler. In most cases, I see it as a bridge and a means to get a long lifecycle storage format. InfoSet is critical to the abstraction so XML is not just a syntax. I need DTDs and schemas for obvious reasons. Namespaces are a tactical convenience. Len Bullard Intergraph Public Safety clbullar@i... http://www.mp3.com/LenBullard Ekam sat.h, Vipraah bahudhaa vadanti. Daamyata. Datta. Dayadhvam.h -----Original Message----- From: Simon St.Laurent [mailto:simonstl@s...] I'd advise developers to take a look at the entire context of their contracting negotiations, and not rely on namespaces and schemas to solve their problems for them. They can be useful tools, but I don't think they're either required or complete. At the same time, I'd like to see the organizations handing down the infrastructure standards take a good look at how to make these things more usable with their own standards, so that these interoperability enablers don't turn out to be roadblocks. Right now, I'm not very happy with the cost/benefit ratio of a lot of the specs that are supposed to make XML better or more interoperable.
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