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XML-DEV Mailing List Archive by thread - February, 1998
- SAX: Sorting out org.xml.sax.AttributeList,
David Megginson
- ANN: XLogo - programming with XML Logo Turtle Graphics,
Dmitri Kondratiev
- RE: JFC,
Moroz, Oleg
- JFC 1.1 Released,
Don Park
- Re: helper classes for SAX,
Michael Kay
- Re: org.xml.sax.AttributeMap,
Don Park
- SAX: org.xml.sax.AttributeMap,
David Megginson
- axtp zip available,
Bill la Forge
- Modifying DTD using msxml,
Wilf Reedijk
- RE: multiple handlers,
Gavin McKenzie
- SAX: multiple handlers,
David Megginson
- Last call for submissions: XML Developers' Day,
Jon Bosak
- The XML spec in XML: missing tags,
Michael Kay
RE: finalising org.sax.xml.Parser,
Gavin McKenzie
Making COM componts from java MSXML (Was: MS XML Parser on the Server),
Dr. Zheng Min
SAX: finalising org.sax.xml.Parser,
David Megginson
xml-based protocol,
Bill la Forge
Peter Murray-Rust
Binary Data,
Michael Emmel
TagNet (was Automating Search Interfaces),
Don Park
MS XML Parser on the Server,
Mike Wagner
Peter Murray-Rust
Is anyone using CDATA?,
Parik Rao
Re:Automating Search Interfaces",
Peter Murray-Rust
Final XML conference schedule,
Jon Bosak
Announcement: New PSGML-XML Additions,
David Megginson
XPublish 1.0 candidate (XML website publishing system on Mac),
Update: Xparse(JavaScript XML Parser),
Jeremie Miller
Automating Search Interfaces,
Peter Murray-Rust
Fwd: ANN: New XSL Mailing List,
Jon Bosak
New version of RXP,
Richard Tobin
DTD meta data for XML viewers,
Trevor Turton
New SP/Jade test release,
James Clark
JUMBO-PLAY et. al.,
Peter Murray-Rust
ANNOUNCE: DAE SDK Beta 2 Released,
Alex Milowski
ANN: Database and EcmaScript support,
Microsoft's XML parser...,
Harry Cheung
SAX/DOM IDL -> C++ Mapping / Confused,
Glenn R. Kronschnabl
Kerry Coffin
Re: Empty elements,
Don Park
Call for presentations: XML Dev Day 3/27,
Jon Bosak
SAX: Empty elements,
Geir Ove Gronmo
Preliminary XML-Binary prototype demo,
Don Park
XML as W3C Recommendation,
Peter Murray-Rust
DXP - DataChannel XML Parser 1.0 Beta available,
Norbert Mikula
XML resources updated,
James Clark
Object Hierarchie with XML,
Online SAXDOM Demo Available,
Don Park
IBM `XML for Java' has released.,
Type-specific class generation using XML parsers,
Paul Pazandak
Re: XML-Data Questions,
Henry S. Thompson
Encoded XML Content -- was Re: Open Trading Protocol (CDATA, etc)(was BASE64 section support),
Don Park
GEDCOM - A Killer XML Application?,
Sean Mc Grath
file URLs again,
Tim Bray
DOM for XML,
Last minute request for BASE64 section support in XML 1.0,
Don Park
XML Java IO Writer...,
Tyler Baker
Meta data for XML editors,
Trevor Turton
Re: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Peter Murray-Rust
Re: XML and the launch of Chemical Markup Language,
Peter Murray-Rust
RE: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, ArchitecturalForms, and Sub-Documents,
Gavin McKenzie
Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Gavin McKenzie
- Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
David Megginson
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Gavin McKenzie
- Re: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Tim Bray
- Re: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Don Park
- Re: Foreign object inclusion WAS: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Rick Jelliffe
Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Martin Bryan
[AElfred] Problem: '"' in CDATA attribute,
Dmitri Kondratiev
FORTRAN namelist input - remember? Replace with XML!,
Glenn R. Kronschnabl
Namespaces, modules and architectures paper available,
Paul Prescod
- Message not available
- Re: Namespaces, modules and architectures paper available,
Paul Prescod
- Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
David Megginson
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Chris Maden
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
David Megginson
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Peter Murray-Rust
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Peter Murray-Rust
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Paul Prescod
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Paul Prescod
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
David Megginson
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Paul Prescod
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
David Megginson
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Paul Prescod
- Message not available
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Eve L. Maler
- Re: Namespaces, Architectural Forms, and Sub-Documents,
Paul Prescod
- Message not available
- Re: Namespaces, modules and architectures paper available,
Paul Prescod
Namespaces, etc.,
Peter Murray-Rust
Message not available
XML Conformance and DTD support in SAX,
Don Park
XML-Data: A naive question,
Bob Steele
Ideas about Cutting and Pasting in XML,
Rick Jelliffe
recommendations on currently available streaming XML toolkits?,
Navdip Bhachech
No Subject,
Tetsuya OSHIMA
Re: Parser Interface -- Summary of Change Requests,
Don Park
SAX: Parser Interface -- Summary of Change Requests,
David Megginson
JUMBO9801a1 release,
Peter Murray-Rust
Re: problems with emacs xml-mode,
Dave Carlson
RE: XSL/XML/XLL and VRML (was: Re: Conditional actions in XS,
Jim Amsden
Re: First experiences with XSL,
len bullard
SGML Architecture questions,
Dmitri Kondratiev
Re: XSL/XML/XLL and VRML (was: Re: Conditional actions in XSL?),
len bullard
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