Stylus Studio Customer Applications

Learn how some of our customers are using Stylus Studio® and XQuery technologies to build advanced XML-enabled software applications.

Stylus Studio® Blasts off at NASA's Johnson Space Center

Read how DynCorp (CSC), an industry leading systems integrator used XQuery at NASA's Johnson Space Center to Simplify XML Data Access and Integration in a real-world application.

Stylus Studio® Lends a Hand in Hurricane Katrina Reconstruction Efforts

How one Stylus Studio from the DF Institute is making a difference in the on-going Hurricane Katrina reconstruction efforts underway in New Orleans.

Stylus Studio® Enables Multi-Channel Publishing at University of Pittsburg

A University of Pittsburg Professor uses Stylus Studio® and XML technologies to analyze and publish literary manuscripts.

Deltek Uses Stylus Studio® To Build ERP, Financial, and HR Applications

Find out how Deltek uses Stylus Studio® to integrate data from different data sources including Oracle, Peoplesoft, and other database systems.

XML Helps Uncork Innovative Winery Web Sites

Freerun Technologies used Stylus Studio® to develop America's premier wine network's XML-driven portal architecture of dynamically rendered XML Web content.

Stylus Studio® is a Real Cost-Saver in Novell Implementations

Learn how TriVir used Stylus Studio® to implement Novell solutions such as DirXML, eDirectory, and the exteNd suite for US government customers, meeting all of their complex infrastructure and security requirements.

Stylus Studio® and XQuery Lowering the Cost of Healthcare

Read up on how a Leading Healthcare provider is using Stylus Studio and XQuery to simplify Java Web Services.

Have a success story of your own? Share it! Publishing a Stylus Studio® success story is a great way to gain recognition for both your work and your organization.


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