8273 -
Dangerous goods regulations code UN/CEFACT Revision 1999B Code List |
Repr: | an..3 |
Desc: | Code specifying a dangerous goods regulation. |
| This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B |
ADR | European agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods on road (ADR) |
| European agreement on the international carriage of dangerous goods on road. ADR is the abbreviation of "Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route". |
ADS | NDR European agreement for the transport of dangerous goods on the river Rhine |
| European agreement giving regulations for the transport of dangerous goods on the river Rhine, officially known as: "Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises dangereuses par navigation sur le Rhin.". |
| ADT |
| CA, Transport Canada's dangerous goods requirements |
| Canadian transport of dangerous goods requirements as published by Transport Canada in the Canadian Gazette, Part II. |
| ADU |
| JP, Japanese maritime safety agency dangerous goods regulation code |
| Regulation regarding the handling of dangerous goods on vessels issued by Japanese maritime safety agency. |
AGS | DE, ADR and GGVS combined regulations for combined transport |
| Combined German and European regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods on German and other European roads. ADR means: Accord Europeen relatif au Transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route. GGVS means: Gefahrgutverordnung Strasse. |
ANR | ADNR, Autorisation de transport de matieres Dangereuses pour la Navigation sur le Rhin |
| Regulations for dangerous goods transportation on the Rhine. |
ARD | DE, ARD and RID - Combined regulations for combined transport |
| Combined European regulations for the combined transportation of dangerous goods on roads and rails. ARD means: Autorisation de transport par Route de matieres dangereuses. RID means: Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer. |

| CFR |
| US, 49 Code of federal regulations |
| United States federal regulations issued by the US Department of transportation covering the domestic transportation of dangerous goods by truck, rail, water and air. |
COM | DE, ADR, RID, GGVS and GGVE - Combined regulations for combined transport |
| Combined German and European regulations for the combined transportation of dangerous goods on German and other European roads and rails. ADR means: Accord Europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuse par Route. RID means: Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer. GGVS means: Gefahrgutverordnung Strasse. GGVE means: Gefahrgutverordnung Eisenbahn. |
GVE | DE, GGVE (Gefahrgutverordnung Eisenbahn) |
| German regulation for the transportation of dangerous goods on rail. |
GVS | DE, GGVS (Gefahrgutverordnung Strasse) |
| German regulation for the transportation of dangerous goods on road. |
| Regulations covering the international transportation of dangerous goods issued by the International Air Transport Association and the International Civil Aviation Organization. |
IMD | IMO IMDG code |
| Regulations regarding the transportation of dangerous goods on ocean-going vessels issued by the International Maritime Organization. |
RGE | DE, RID and GGVE, Combined regulations for combined transport on rails |
| Combined German and European regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods on German and other European rails. RID means: Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer. GGVE means: Gefahrgutverordnung Eisenbahn. |
RID | Railroad dangerous goods book (RID) |
| International regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail. RID is the abbreviation of "Reglement International concernant le transport des marchandises Dangereuses par chemin de fer". |
| TEC |
| Transport emergency trem card |
| Description to be provided. |
UI | UK IMO book |
| Description to be provided. |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
| Additional and/or other information for the transportation of dangerous goods which are mutually defined. |