# Sunday, December 22, 2013
December 2013 - Check Out the Best Articles & Tutorials of the Year

Hello from the Stylus Studio Team!

The end of 2013 is here. It has been a great year and we are so thankful for all of our users. We have big things coming in 2014 and look forward to sharing them with you!

For this month's Scoop we are taking a look back at our favorite articles and tutorials from the past year. If you missed any of these, now is a great time to read and enjoy them.

Join Our LinkedIn Group - Check Out Our New LinkedIn Group and Discuss Stylus Studio, XML and More with other Stylus Studio Users and XML Professionals

Customer Story - MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions

MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions was looking for an XML IDE to facilitate their needs. Out of the 5% that responded to their calls, only one was able to answer all of their questions at both functional and technical levels. That was the Stylus Studio team!

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Enterprise Reporting Module - A Chat With Force 5, Inc.

We recently sat down with the architect team at Force 5, Inc. to learn how they used Stylus Studio to drastically accelerate the development and testing of a new reporting module for their Gatekeeper product.

The conversation provided insight regarding their development process and how they utilized Stylus Studio.

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Using XQuery To Generate JSON from Relational Data

This article describes how to build a simple multi-tier solution to expose relational data to a modern HTML application using JSON.

We want to expose the database through a simple REST web service interface which allows a variety of client technologies to query the data without being tightly coupled to the underlying database product.

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Keep Your Library Up-to-Date with Google Books API

Books are fundamental elements of our culture. No matter where you live or what your cultural background, we are sure that there has been at least one book that impacted your life and left great memories.

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posted on Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:33:10 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback