# Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Stylus Scoop July 2015
Stylus Scoop
July 2015 - XML Pipeline Server Implemented for Money Laundering Prevention

This month's Stylus Scoop offers a compelling customer story featuring IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server. Learn how IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server was implemented at a prominent financial institution in Namibia as a data processing and delivery platform to assist in money laundering prevention.

XML Pipeline Server is a highly scalable server that automates data conversion, validation, transformations, report and document generation from/to a variety of data sources. For more information on XML Pipeline Server, contact the IVI Technologies team today.

Enterprise Data Processing & Delivery

IVI Technologies XML Pipeline Server was recently implemented to process csv files and transform them into the required XML formatting. Read the full customer story on our website.

Standard Bank

Modernizing an Old Fax Based Order System

This recent customer story shows how XML Pipeline Server helped transform an outdated and error prone order system into a streamlined solution. Read the full customer story here.

XML Pipeline Server

GenPro Case Study
A brand new case study on how Genpro, Inc. built a data warehouse with Stylus Studio XML Pipeline Server and services from IVI Technologies.
Enhanced License Management
Recent updates to Stylus Studio have brought improved license management particularly helpful for larger organizations with numerous workstations and developers.

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posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:32:57 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Tuesday, May 19, 2015

As summer approaches, the Stylus Studio team continues to work on powerful solutions and enhancements for our XML community. This month, we are featuring a great customer story that highlights XML Pipeline Server and how it helped modernize a custom order taking process.

If you aren't familiar with this enterprise level product, we encourage you to learn more about the XML Pipeline Server data processing solutions that the Stylus Studio team has to offer.

Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 is the most powerful and feature-rich version of Stylus Studio ever! If you have not yet tried the latest version or would like to upgrade from an older version of Stylus Studio, please contact us.

Modernizing an Old Fax Based Order System

This customer story shows how XML Pipeline Server helped transform an outdated and error prone order system into a streamlined solution. Read the full customer story here.

XML Pipeline Server

Genpro, Inc. - Customer Case Study

Check out a brand new case study on how Genpro, Inc. built a data warehouse with Stylus Studio XML Pipeline Server and services from IVI Technologies. Read the full case study on our website.

GenPro Case Study

Enhanced License Management
Recent updates to Stylus Studio have brought improved license management particularly helpful for larger organizations with numerous workstations and developers.
Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Is Now Available
IVI Technologies announced the immediate availability of the Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Enterprise Suite. Read the full press release.

Download Stylus Studio

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posted on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 11:21:06 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Stylus Scoop
April 2015 - Mapping Farmers' Markets in Google Earth using XSLT

In this month's Scoop, we are featuring a tutorial on mapping farmer's market locations on Google Earth using XSLT. This interesting article showcases the power of Stylus Studio.

If you missed our recent customer story, we encourage you to read the full article and learn more about the XML Pipeline Server data processing solutions that the Stylus Studio team has to offer.

Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 is the most powerful and feature-rich version of Stylus Studio ever! If you have not yet tried the latest version or would like to upgrade from an older version of Stylus Studio, please contact us.

Mapping on Google Earth with XSLT

This fascinating archive includes an interesting document entitled "Farmers' Markets Geographic Data". We converted the report to a format that can be rendered on a map and easily determine the location farmer's markets. Read the tutorial here.

Google Earth using XSLT

Genpro, Inc. - Customer Case Study

Check out a brand new case study on how Genpro, Inc. built a data warehouse with Stylus Studio XML Pipeline Server and services from IVI Technologies. Read the full case study on our website.

GenPro Case Study

Enhanced License Management
Recent updates to Stylus Studio have brought improved license management particularly helpful for larger organizations with numerous workstations and developers.
Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 Is Now Available
IVI Technologies announced the immediate availability of the Stylus Studio X15 Release 2 XML Enterprise Suite. Read the full press release.

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This message was sent because you have expressed interest in Stylus Studio through the Stylus Studio website. In accordance with our Privacy Policy, if you would prefer not to receive further notifications or email communications of this type, please go to the following web page and update your subscription profile, or contact us through postal mail at: IVI Technologies Inc., c/o Stylus Studio Consumer Affairs Office, 8672 SW 40 Street, Suite 206, Miami, FL,33155, USA.

View the trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of DataDirect Technologies in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks or service marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 9:37:59 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback