# Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stylus Studio X15 build 1910m takes an additional step toward supporting XML Schema 1.1. Here an example which shows how to use XML Schema 1.1 in Stylus Studio.

The following schema makes use of assertions, a schema feature introduced in version 1.1, which allows to assert XPath 2.0 expressions against the content model. Here we assert that the element "root" has to have a text node's length greater than 0.

Here we attempt to validate a document against the schema which is properly reported as not valid.

But what if we want to validate and to transform in a single step, taking advantage of Saxon Schema Aware?

The following screenshot shows the Saxon processor settings  in the XSLT Editor scenario dialog, which now features an additional combo-box to pick the validation mode.

If you do not want to link all your XML documents to the schema but still run validation you can make use of the schema cache which can be associated to a Stylus Studio project folder.

Now we just need to add our XSLT transformation to the project folder and, in the next execution, we can see the processor loading the schema automatically and flag the validation error

In addition to validate the XML input document we can also validate the transformation output. Here you can see the post Validation settings in the XSLT scenario dialog, which starting with build 1910m allows to select Saxonica Validator XSD 1.1.  

Post validation also can take advantage of the project folder schema schema cache discussed above. 

posted on Sunday, November 10, 2013 3:37:21 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Thursday, October 17, 2013
October 2013 - 'My Gutenberg Project' & AUP Offer

Hello from the Stylus Studio Team!

You can feel it in the air. It is starting to get a little cooler outside. The Stylus Studio team can hardly believe we are already in the last few months of 2013. We hope it has been a great year for everyone. This month's Scoop features a short article written by a Stylus Studio user. The article revolves around Project Gutenberg and metadata services for libraries. We hope you enjoy it.

Additionally, we are excited to be offering a discount on Annual Upgrade Protection. To take advantage of this offer or learn more about AUP, please read below.

20% Off Annual Upgrade Protection (AUP)

X15 Owners who do not have AUP can grab it right now for 20% Off. If you have an older license (2010 - X14) contact Niki for information on pricing.

Annual Upgrade Protection (AUP) is optional coverage that ensures that you not only receive every Software Maintenance update but also any Software Upgrades we release during your AUP coverage period. With the AUP, these Stylus Studio updates and upgrades are free. You do not have to pay an additional upgrade license fee to stay current. Learn more about AUP here: http://www.stylusstudio.com/aup_faq.html

To take advantage of this great offer, send an email to Niki Peckham (niki.peckham@ivitechnologies.com) and ask her about getting 20% Off on AUP.

'My Gutenberg Project'

Dana Pearson, a Stylus Studio user, wrote a brief article on the Gutenberg Project and integrating online resources into library discovery systems. Dana is an expert in metadata services for libraries.

Dana said "The most satisfying aspects of the project were the problems that required learning something new about XSLT 2.0." Check out the full article to learn more about this great project.

Read the Full Article >
Customer Story - MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions

Stylus Studio

MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions was looking for an XML IDE to facilitate their needs. Out of the 5% that responded to their calls, only one was able to answer all of their questions at both functional and technical levels. That was the Stylus Studio team!

Read the Full Story >
How to Run Unattended Stylus Studio Install

Stylus Studio team member Ivan Pedruzzi put together a quick step-by-step post on running an unattended Stylus Studio install. This is now possible starting with Stylus Studio X15.

Read the Full Blog Post >
posted on Thursday, October 17, 2013 1:44:48 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Thursday, August 29, 2013
August 2013 - Enjoy a New Customer Story & Learn About Running an Unattended Stylus Studio Install

Hello from the Stylus Studio Team!

This month we have two great reads featured. The first is a new customer story. MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions chose Stylus Studio when looking for an enterprise-worthy XML IDE to facilitate their needs. Read their story and learn how Stylus Studio answered the call!

The second featured item is a blog post on "How to run unattended Stylus Studio install". This topic was addressed based on requests from our fantastic user base. If you have a topic you want to know more about, let us know!

Join Our New LinkedIn Group - Check Out Our New LinkedIn Group and Discuss Stylus Studio, XML and More with other Stylus Studio Users and XML Professionals

Customer Story - MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions

Stylus Studio

MacLean-Fogg Component Solutions was looking for an XML IDE to facilitate their needs. Out of the 5% that responded to their calls, only one was able to answer all of their questions at both functional and technical levels. That was the Stylus Studio team!

Read the Full Story >
How to Run Unattended Stylus Studio Install

Stylus Studio team member Ivan Pedruzzi put together a quick step-by-step guide on running an unattended Stylus Studio install. This is now possible starting with Stylus Studio X15.

Read the Full Blog Post >
Keep Your Library Up-to-Date with Google Books API

Books are fundamental elements of our culture. No matter where you live or what your cultural background, we are sure that there has been at least one book that impacted your life and left great memories.

Read the Full Article >
posted on Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:57:47 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback