# Friday, July 26, 2013

Starting with Stylus Studio X15 you can use the following instructions:

Create a response file running the installer using the following command line. Be careful, there is no space after the f1 argument and, the file path cannot contain special characters like a space or underscore ( _ )

stylus-studio-professional-15r1.exe -r /f1c:\StylusStudioPro.iss

The command starts the Stylus Studio installer in interactive mode. Follow the installation steps, click yes on the license page, choose the destination folder, etc. 
When the installation is completed, your actions are captured into 


You can now install Stylus Studio on the target machine in silent mode. 

Create a simple text file named “X15 XML Professional Suite.key” with the activation key in it.

The procedure needs 3 files: the installer, the response file and the license key file

- stylus-studio-professional-15r1.exe
- StylusStudioPro.iss
- X15 XML Professional Suite.key

To run the installer, use the following command line. Notice that the process returns when the installation is completed. The path to the .iss file can be different as long as there are no special characters. 

start /wait stylus-studio-professional-15r1.exe -s /f1c:\StylusStudioPro.iss

After your script has performed the above steps, copy “X15 XML Professional Suite.key” to
c:\ProgramData\Stylus Studio\X15 XML Professional Suite.key

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

posted on Friday, July 26, 2013 12:43:14 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Thursday, July 11, 2013
June/July 2013 - Enterprise Reporting Module - A Brief Chat With the Team at Force 5, Inc. About Their Enterprise Software

Hello from the Stylus Studio Team!

Summer is in full swing. Warm weather is occurring and families are traveling. Many organizations are gearing up to deliver and complete projects by the end of the year. The Stylus Studio team is also working on new and exciting things for our XML Community.

This month's Scoop features a conversation between the Stylus Studio team and the team at Force 5, Inc. Force 5 develops and delivers enterprise level compliance and security software. They recently utilized Stylus Studio to develop a reporting module for one of their products.

Join Our New LinkedIn Group - Check Out Our New LinkedIn Group and Discuss Stylus Studio, XML and More with other Stylus Studio Users and XML Professionals

Enterprise Reporting Module - A Chat With the Force 5, Inc. Team

We recently sat down with the architect team at Force 5, Inc. to learn how they used Stylus Studio to drastically accelerate the development and testing of a new reporting module for their Gatekeeper product.

Stylus Studio

The conversation provided insight regarding their development process and how they utilized Stylus Studio.

Read the Full Article >
Keep Your Library Up-to-Date with Google Books API

Books are fundamental elements of our culture. No matter where you live or what your cultural background, I am sure that there has been at least one book that impacted your life and left great memories.

Read the Full Article >
Using XQuery To Generate JSON from Relational Data

This article describes how to build a simple multi-tier solution to expose relational data to a modern HTML application using JSON.

Read the Full Article >


posted on Thursday, July 11, 2013 2:38:23 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback
# Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We love hearing from our users. Often times, users provide us with quotes about their experience with Stylus Studio and/or working with the Stylus Studio team. Below, we have featured 3 quotes we have gotten recently from satisfied customers.

Great customer service! Thanks for providing me with a bright spot in an otherwise gray day. Keep up the good work; customer service like yours keeps customers. - Anthony Bateman, Senior Consultant, Bilot – Better Business Solutions

Thank you for what is the promptest response I've ever received from anyone I've sought remote assistance from. That did indeed help me restore my copy of Stylus Studio X14. I've configured Windows 7 to use the tool as the default application for any XML file I may open. Thank you very much for an exemplary customer service experience! - Richard Lambert, IS Project Leader

Our experience working with the Stylus Studio Team was awesome. They were patient and worked collaboratively with us to ensure that we achieved our objectives. - Onyinye Enyia, Northwestern University

If you have a Stylus Studio story you want to share with our team, we would love to hear it. Click here to let us know your story.

posted on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 9:34:29 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #    Comments [0] Trackback