<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sf:Resource xmlns:sf="http://www.canadapost.ca/smartflow" contentID="PAYMENT"><![CDATA[ <payment-data> <account-number>bar</account-number> <total-due>bar</total-due> <due-date>bar</due-date> </payment-data> ]]></sf:Resource>
The following query makes use of a processor specific XQuery option called ddtek:serialize
Notice the syntax to define an expanded QName with namespace is { {uri} local-name } which is different from what is erroneously described in the XQuery Tips & Tricks
The second takeaway is how the content inside sf:Resource needs to be escaped text to produce the required result
declare namespace sf="http://www.canadapost.ca/smartflow";declare option ddtek:serialize "omit-xml-declaration=no,encoding=UTF-8,indent=yes,cdata-section-elements={{http://www.canadapost.ca/smartflow}Resource}";declare variable $foo := "bar";<sf:Resource contentID="PAYMENT"> <payment-data> <account-number>{ $foo }</account-number> <total-due>{ $foo }</total-due> <due-date>{ $foo }</due-date> </payment-data></sf:Resource>
Multiple CDATA sections are declared using ; as separator
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