Subject:StylusStudio X15 R2 java Auto Detect not finding java Author:HereGear HereGear Date:08 May 2014 05:05 PM Originally Posted: 08 May 2014 05:03 PM
I removed a previous version of java (1.6u45), then installed 1.7u55 and Auto Detect is not finding it.
Your docs say a specific reg entry is required. Screen shot attached of both SS and regedit showing the reg entry required - it still can't detect it and I can't seem to find a manual way to enter it.
OS Win7 Enterprise running on a VM
SS 15x R2
Subject:StylusStudio X15 R2 java Auto Detect not finding java Author:HereGear HereGear Date:09 May 2014 10:07 AM Originally Posted: 09 May 2014 10:04 AM
Sure Saxon, etc. will run on a 32-bit JVM - but how is one supposed to gauge actual performance in the Stylus Studio dev tool? (because everyone is running hi-test conversion apps on 64-bit servers, right?
Subject:StylusStudio X15 R2 java Auto Detect not finding java Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:09 May 2014 11:35 AM
The IDE sweet spot is not gauging performance, the XSLT processor is heavily wired to capture debugger events and back-mapping information which allows to click on any part of the output and back trace to the instruction. Execution time and profile information are useful as relative and not absolute numbers.
The greater IDE's benefits come from designing, debugging and testing for appropriate results.
If the execution time is an important matrix for you you should generate the Java code and run it on the JVM you are deploying on.
Stylus Studio 64 bits will happen.
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team