Subject:Relative path in Stylus Studio Author:Wei Xiong Date:15 Jul 2013 07:52 PM
We check in our Stylus Studio project file and the related files.
However, when checked out from another machine, due to the difference of source control root folder path, the Stylus Studio project failed because file paths now could not be found.
Any way to fix this? Can Stylus Studio be set up to use relative path?
Subject:Relative path in Stylus Studio Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:16 Jul 2013 11:12 AM
Hi Wei,
URLs in the Stylus Studio project are stored relative to the project file.
XSLT/XQuery input/output documents are also stored relative to the XSLT URL by default. A check-box in the scenario dialog allows to store absolute URL, but by default is set to relative.
Which Stylus Studio version are you running?
Can you send us the files with the meta-information containing the full path?