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David GokcedagSubject: Creating a Pivot Table with xQuery
Author: David Gokcedag
Date: 27 May 2013 11:06 AM
Dear Sir/Madame,

Is it possible to use xQuery to create a pivot table by scanning through one of the tables in an existing XML file re-sort the fields and output to a new XML file where 2 new tables are displayed to show these? If it is could you provide me with a sample code to do this?

The input file is KBData_33004464.xml, the desired output file is David2.xml which will be used to produce the table shown in KBPivot.jpg.

The input fields that must be resorted are KBNOTUMAIN/KBNOTUYATIRIMORANLARI/YATIRIMADI (for the rows) and KBNOTUMAIN/KBNOTUYATIRIMORANLARI/FONKODU (for the columns). Both number of rows and number of columns are dynamic.

The Header Row should be output to KBNOTUMAIN/KBPIVOTHD in David2.xml. The Body Rows should be output to KBNOTUMAIN/KBPIVOT in David2.xml. And there should be a flag in which the number of columns necessary for the table is indicated. This value should be written to KBNOTUMAIN/KBPIVOTHD/H0.

Is this possible? Thank you for your help and advise.

Rar Archive with 2 XML and 1 Image

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Creating a Pivot Table with xQuery
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Jun 2013 07:14 AM

Hi David,

Which Stylus Studio version are you running?

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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