Subject:Mapping multiple files within a single mapping Author:chris misztur Date:09 May 2013 10:54 AM
I'm using the XQuery mapper and I'd like to map 4 files to output 1 xml. Each input file is a customer master file from a different division without our company. Is it possible to use a single map or do I have to create 4 individual maps?
Subject:Mapping multiple files within a single mapping Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:09 May 2013 11:28 AM
Hi Chris,
The XQuery mapping tool can handle many to one mapping.Here few question to better understand your requirements
- A) Do you need to merge the data from these input into one file?
In this case simply add all files to one mapping
- B) Does each file need to generate its own output?
--- B.1) Do they have the same XML structure?
--- Create one mapping with a single file which is representative of all your inputs then run the same mapping on each file.
Subject:Mapping multiple files within a single mapping Author:chris misztur Date:09 May 2013 12:10 PM
man... i don't know what's up with these multiple posts. I was using Chrome, thinking that might have been it, but then I switched to FF and it continues to happen.