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Neal WaltersSubject: proper use of fn:distinct-values
Author: Neal Walters
Date: 06 Dec 2012 10:41 AM
Originally Posted: 06 Dec 2012 10:22 AM
Haven't touched XQuery in a year or two. I want to get a unique list of all the @fleet attributes in an xml file to see if they match our database.

This works, but is not sorted:
let $doc := .
return fn:distinct-values($doc//@fleet)

I would like to get the same result sorted. I tried the following:

let $doc := .
for $x in $doc//Detail/@fleet
order by $x
return fn:distinct-values($x)

The above ran, but did not give distinct values.

Sample Data:
<Report Name="Active Fuelers Extract">
<Detail last_name="Doe" first_name="John" station="ABE" fleet="B-737" >
<Detail last_name="Doe" first_name="John" station="ABE" fleet="B-738" >
<Detail last_name="Doe" first_name="John" station="ABE" fleet="B-737" >

I kept playing with it, and got this to work, but all data is one line (not a major problem, but would rather each line of output have one fleet):
let $doc := .
return fn:distinct-values(
for $x in $doc//Detail/@fleet
order by $x
return $x)

Any advice appreciated.

Could also add literals, and print out something like this:
where fleet = 'B-737' or 'B-738'
so I could actually generate a SQL statement?

Neal Walters

Neal WaltersSubject: proper use of fn:distinct-values
Author: Neal Walters
Date: 06 Dec 2012 11:05 AM
Not sure what happened. I pasted this code back into a new query file, and now the values go down the page:

let $doc := .
return fn:distinct-values(
for $x in $doc//Detail/@fleet
order by $x
return $x)

Is the best way to code it though?


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