Subject:XSLT without Preview window output Author:Yitzhak Khabinsky Date:30 Oct 2012 11:25 AM Originally Posted: 30 Oct 2012 11:04 AM
I am trying to run a XSLT transformation for a very big XML file - 300 MB. The SS is failing to transform it.
I tried both XSLT processors Saxon and .NET XSLCompileTransform.
- Saxon gives the following error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
- XSLCompileTransform gives the following: External XSLT processing started...
The Output URL (optional) configured with the file name for the outcome of the XSLT transformation.
It seems that the Preview window cannot handle big data.
I wonder if it is possible to disable Preview window output and generate the new file as output of the XSLT transformation directly on the file system.
The SS is the latest SS X14 Release 2 Enterprise Suite, build 1893g.
If I run nxslt3.exe by Oleg Tkachenko in the command prompt, it runs successfully. And it takes just 14 seconds to transform 300 GB file.
Subject:XSLT without Preview window output Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:31 Oct 2012 03:38 PM Originally Posted: 31 Oct 2012 03:37 PM
Hi Yitzhak,
Thanks for the great help, we have been able to pinpoint a scalability problem when running an external XSLT processor which prevented to load a large result (several hundreds Mb) in the Preview Window.