Subject:Registering Custom Tool from command line Author:Jeremy Walker Date:03 Aug 2012 11:36 AM
When registering a custom tool, what key do you use to specify the initial directory? I tried to use "Initial Directory" as specified in the documentation but it didn't work.
Subject:Registering Custom Tool from command line Author:Jeremy Walker Date:03 Aug 2012 01:40 PM
I'm trying to register it from the command line.
This command works:
struzzo /newCustomTool "Tool 3:=Tool 3;Description=Avalon Uploader; Command=AVRPTLDR.exe;Args= ${FilePath}"
When I try to add the Initial Direectory, it doesn't work:
struzzo /newCustomTool "Tool 3:=Tool 3;Description=Avalon Uploader; Command=AVRPTLDR.exe;Args= ${FilePath};Initial Directory=${FilePath}"