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Brett StringhamSubject: Stylus Studio X14 - Overrides Repeat Symbol
Author: Brett Stringham
Date: 23 Jan 2012 06:36 PM
Originally Posted: 20 Jan 2012 05:00 PM
As part of the X12 definition I entered, I need to supply the element repeat symbol that is being used in the X12 data stream. When I enter a ‘^’ to be used as the element repeat symbol and click OK the corresponding URI property ('repeat' in this case) is correctly updated. BUT if I go back into the Separator Characters Dialog, Stylus Studio resets it back to ‘*’. As a result '*' is still used as the Repeat Symbol versus a '^'. I'm attaching a word document with the steps and screen shots for this issue to be replicated.

SEF File

X12 Data w/ repeating element

Doc w/ steps to repeat

Example - where repeat character works

Working - Sample X12-like file w/ repeat

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Stylus Studio X14 - Overrides Repeat Symbol
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 23 Jan 2012 05:55 PM
Hi Brett,

Our resident EDI experts told us the following:

Since none of these files are X12 files, the actual results are undefined.

The SEF file describes the content of the message body.

The message body is what is what is between the ST and the SE segments. Since the file does not include either of those segments, no context is set internally, and the SEF file cannot be reliably applied.

It appears that what is happening is that the SEF isn't pulled into scope because it can't be found in the cache via version and message name, and the default action is to look up the CLM segment in the built-in repository.

In order to handle X12 files, there should be ISA, GS, ST, message, SE, GE, IEA segments. Stylus Studio does not support X12 documents that omit the above mandatory header segments.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Brett StringhamSubject: Stylus Studio X14 - Overrides Repeat Symbol
Author: Brett Stringham
Date: 23 Jan 2012 06:47 PM
Can you have the resident expert then look at this example that does work? In this case, I've padded the values in the ISA segment per the standard and left ISA11 blank. When I do this, the XMLConverter successfully uses the "repeat" character as identified in the Stylus Studio "Separators Characters" dialog. The resulting XML is correct; this element value:


is repeated in XML correctly as follows:

<DIAG_NBR tag="CLM03"><!--DIAG-NBR: Element Type-->DIAG1</DIAG_NBR>
<DIAG_NBR tag="CLM03"><!--DIAG-NBR: Element Type-->DIAG2</DIAG_NBR>
<DIAG_NBR tag="CLM03"><!--DIAG-NBR: Element Type-->DIAG3</DIAG_NBR>
<DIAG_NBR tag="CLM03"><!--DIAG-NBR: Element Type-->DIAG4</DIAG_NBR>

The purpose for creating such examples, is I am trying to figure out where stylus studio is flexible w/ EDI standards and where elements/segments (i.e., ISA) are absolutely required.

Repeat example w/ custom EDI message

Sample data using "^" for repeat

Tony LavinioSubject: Stylus Studio X14 - Overrides Repeat Symbol
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 27 Jan 2012 10:41 PM
At Ivan's request, I dug into this.
It appears we will actually parse this; it falls into the same category as the ISA/TA1/IEA acknowledgement messages.
Since it works, we'll try not to break it in the future, but we reserve the right do not process every semi-X12, pseudo-X12 or X12-like format that someone invents.

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