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Ethan SteinSubject: ddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?
Author: Ethan Stein
Date: 13 Dec 2011 11:32 PM
I have a ddtekjava function that takes in an element node and writes it to a file. It will then return a string indicating whether the write was successful or not. I have found that it only executes if I then use that string as a variable in my output. Is this expected behavior?



declare namespace xbef = 'ddtekjava:BuildErrorFile';

declare option ddtek:xml-streaming 'yes';
declare option ddtek:serialize "indent=yes, omit-xml-declaration=no";

(: Write error nodes to file :)
declare function xbef:writeXmlFile($outFile as xs:string, $rootNode as xs:string,
$elmToWrite as element(), $encoding as xs:string, $indent as xs:string, $append as xs:string) as xs:string external;

<SIMPLE_ROOT xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="VISA_DATA.xsd">
{for $acctRec at $index in (1 to 5)
let $nodesToWrite := <NODE_TO_WRITE>HELLO WORLD {$index}</NODE_TO_WRITE>
let $writeRecsToFile := xbef:writeXmlFile("C:\sampleFile.xml", "ROOT_NODE", $nodesToWrite, "UTF-8", "yes", "true")

Java Function:

* Writes XML to file system
* @param outFile file to write to
* @param rootNode name of root node (used with new file)
* @param nodeToWrite elements to write to file
* @param encoding XML encoding type for output
* @param indent whether to indent or not (valid values are "yes" | "no")
* @param append flag indicating add to end of file or create new one (valid values are "true" | "false"
* @return Message indicating successful write or error
public static String writeXmlFile(String outFile, String rootNode, Element nodeToWrite, String encoding, String indent, String append) {

FileOutputStream errorFOS = null;

try {

File sourceFile = new File(outFile);

DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document errorDoc = null;

if (!sourceFile.exists() || !Boolean.parseBoolean(append)) {
errorDoc = builder.newDocument();
Element rootElm = errorDoc.createElement(rootNode);
rootElm.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "xmlns:xsi",

} else
errorDoc = builder.parse(sourceFile);

Node elmNode = errorDoc.adoptNode(nodeToWrite);

// Prepare the DOM document for writing
Source source = new DOMSource(errorDoc);

File errorFile = new File(outFile);

errorFOS = new FileOutputStream(errorFile);
Result result = new StreamResult(errorFOS);

// Write the DOM document to the file
TransformerFactory xFormerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer xformer = xFormerFactory.newTransformer();

xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, indent);
xformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "5");
xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, encoding);
xformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.STANDALONE, "no");

xformer.transform(source, result);

return ("Write to " + outFile + " successful.");

} catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
return tce.getMessage();
} catch (TransformerException te) {
return te.getMessage();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return e.getMessage();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
return e.getMessage();
} catch (SAXException e) {
return e.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e.getMessage();
} finally {
try {
if (errorFOS != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Ivan PedruzziSubject: ddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 13 Dec 2011 11:52 PM

XQuery 1.0 is a side effect free language, therefore if an expression is not used, the implementation has freedom to optimize out then un-used code.

The way to get around it, is having the function to return an empty sequence, so it can be called as part of the return value.

ddtek:serialize-to-url should suffix your needs.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Ethan SteinSubject: ddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?
Author: Ethan Stein
Date: 14 Dec 2011 12:03 AM
Ah, I understand. I switched the function to return an empty sequence and then simply changed it to this:

(: Write error nodes to file :)
declare function xbef:writeXmlFile($outFile as xs:string, $rootNode as xs:string,
$elmToWrite as element(), $encoding as xs:string, $indent as xs:string, $append as xs:string) as empty-sequence() external;

let $writeRecsToFile := xbef:writeXmlFile("C:\sampleFile.xml", "ROOT_NODE", $nodesToWrite, "UTF-8", "yes", "true")
<SOME_NODE>SAMPLE TEXT {$index}{$writeRecsToFile}</SOME_NODE>

Now it works. Thanks!

Ethan SteinSubject: ddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?
Author: Ethan Stein
Date: 14 Dec 2011 12:15 AM
I guess I'm not quite understanding what you're referring to by having a function to return an empty sequence. Can you give me an example?

Ethan SteinSubject: ddtekjava write to file only executed if return used?
Author: Ethan Stein
Date: 14 Dec 2011 12:36 AM
Okay, I think I understand. I can use the return of ddtek:seralize-to-url(...) and return that as an empty-sequence() in the function. Then I simply include the result.

So I have your function from before:

declare function local:addNode($error as element()) as empty-sequence()
let $errLog := if(fn:doc-available($logURL)) then
else ()
let $newLog :=

return ddtek:serialize-to-url($newLog, $logURL,"indent=yes, omit-xml-declaration=no")

And I call it like so:

let $nodeAdded := local:addNode(<MESSAGE_WHITE_SPACE>{concat("The white space size (for VISA region 01B) for &quot;", $acctRecNum, ".xml&quot; could not be found. Please check the xDoc output.")}</MESSAGE_WHITE_SPACE>)
return ($nodeAdded,$n))

The trick was I was missing the () around the return values so it wasn't picking them up. Thanks!

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