Subject:Saxon edition in X14 Enterprise Author:Kurt Wald Date:16 Nov 2011 05:04 AM
which Saxon 9.3 edidtion is bundled with X14 Enterprise? After upgrading from 2011 Enterprise I am getting error messages for extension functions which work with Saxon bundled with 2011 Enterprise.
c93aep.xsl (21, 63)
Error: at xsl:param on line 21 column 63 of INVOIC%7E1.XSL: XPST0017 XPath syntax error at char 0 on line 21 in {c:getNewIcr()}:
Cannot find a matching 0-argument function named {java:com.ext.XsltCounter}getNewIcr(). The namespace URI and local name are recognized, but the number of arguments is wrong
If I understand correctly Saxon 9.3 Home Edition does not support java extensions using reflection.
Subject:Saxon edition in X14 Enterprise Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:16 Nov 2011 08:52 AM Originally Posted: 16 Nov 2011 07:05 AM
Hi Kurt,
The Saxon version is, as displayed in the processor page of Scenario dialog.
Correct, Saxon Enterprise is required in order to run Java extension functions. You can set execution mode to Schema Aware in the scenario dialog in order to run Saxon Enterprise edition.