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Wolfgang HennigSubject: Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables
Author: Wolfgang Hennig
Date: 04 Nov 2011 08:19 AM

I am currently evaluating the Stylus Studio in order to create a XLS:FO sheet. I have the problem, that the XML file is not very nice, so I have to make a lot of effort to get all the data in the right place.

Currently I have the problem, that I have to assing a variable to a value. I have not seen how to do this with the report designer. If I create the XSL file and manually insert the variable assingment eyery thin works fine. But this should not be the solution.

The problem is, that I have text objects and questions in my XML file. The question is linked to a corresponding text with the help of an ID.

<question name="Short question" fixedID="3_267" id="_1">

<text id="10738" text="Longer text for the question, that sould be displayed." relFixedID="3_267">

So the two statements:
<xsl:variable name="fixedID">
<xsl:value-of select="./@fixedID"/>
<xsl:value-of select="//text[@relFixedID=$fixedID]/@text"/> 
will deliver the appropriate text for the question.

As former said, I can do this by modifying the XSL file - but it would be more elegant if I could change this in the Report Desiger.

Thanks a lot for your help

Wolfgang Hennig

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Nov 2011 02:11 PM
Hi Wolfgang,

Please have a look at
http://www.stylusstudio.com/xml_video_list.html#XML Publisher

Creating Advanced Reports: Defining Joining and Grouping Data Using the Relationship Manager

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Wolfgang HennigSubject: Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables
Author: Wolfgang Hennig
Date: 07 Nov 2011 02:14 AM
Dear Ivan,

thanks a lot for your help. The idea sounds good. But - as fas as I could see - it is not working in Studio 2011. I have followed the steps until 3:42 on the video. But as I drop the relationship node on the XML canvas I only get the standard dialog with "Insert Value/Image/If/Count/Sum" but no two repeating loops.

I have tried many things, but found no way to do what is specified in the video.

Any help is appreciated ;-)


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 07 Nov 2011 06:01 PM

I tried the tutorial and a new sample project (attached here) and they both work as described.

Make sure to create the repeater first and then drop the relationship inside it.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team


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