Subject:Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables Author:Wolfgang Hennig Date:04 Nov 2011 08:19 AM
I am currently evaluating the Stylus Studio in order to create a XLS:FO sheet. I have the problem, that the XML file is not very nice, so I have to make a lot of effort to get all the data in the right place.
Currently I have the problem, that I have to assing a variable to a value. I have not seen how to do this with the report designer. If I create the XSL file and manually insert the variable assingment eyery thin works fine. But this should not be the solution.
The problem is, that I have text objects and questions in my XML file. The question is linked to a corresponding text with the help of an ID.
<text id="10738" text="Longer text for the question, that sould be displayed." relFixedID="3_267">
So the two statements:
<xsl:variable name="fixedID">
<xsl:value-of select="./@fixedID"/>
<xsl:value-of select="//text[@relFixedID=$fixedID]/@text"/>
will deliver the appropriate text for the question.
As former said, I can do this by modifying the XSL file - but it would be more elegant if I could change this in the Report Desiger.
Subject:Report Designer: Is it possible to assign variables Author:Wolfgang Hennig Date:07 Nov 2011 02:14 AM
Dear Ivan,
thanks a lot for your help. The idea sounds good. But - as fas as I could see - it is not working in Studio 2011. I have followed the steps until 3:42 on the video. But as I drop the relationship node on the XML canvas I only get the standard dialog with "Insert Value/Image/If/Count/Sum" but no two repeating loops.
I have tried many things, but found no way to do what is specified in the video.