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Ian  Subject: Feature Request - Correct Preview Window Format
Author: Ian
Date: 19 Dec 2010 08:36 AM
It would be a useful feature if the preview window could display the result in the appropriate output format. I have an XSL transformation that specifies the output method as 'text', and the output URL also specifies a '.txt' file. However the preview window defaults to the browser view. This is fine for HTML or XSL output, but not for text.

The issue for me is that the output is not small - 175KB - and the first time I run it I get a warning message - see attached image. This is a pain as the first thing I will do is change the preview mode to 'text'. The warning message is only for the first time the preview is generated and it does remember the mode if the transformation is done again.

If I tick the box to show the result in an external application within the scenario properties then it does open the results in Notepad. I would guess that this is determined by the file extension and not the output method. This would be acceptable if I didn't still get the warning and output in browser mode.

So if the XSL output method is 'text' can the preview window default to text mode please?


Too Large For Internet Explorer Warning

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