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Thomas DorganSubject: Sharing Viollation in Stylus versions 2010 and 2011
Author: Thomas Dorgan
Date: 13 Dec 2010 11:58 AM
When I try to save a file or run an xlst, I get a sharing violation like this:
A sharing violation occurred while accessing C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\XML31CB.xml. Sometime the file does not exist at all and sometimes it is a zero-byte file.

The computer is running 64-bit Windows 7. There is 320 gig of memory free on the C drive.

This error occurs in both 2010 and 2011 versions of Stylus. It also occurs when removing the debug parameters from the java VM. The java version is 32-bit java 1.6. Stylus could not recognize the 64 bit version of java.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Sharing Viollation in Stylus versions 2010 and 2011
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 15 Dec 2010 07:54 AM

Which XSLT or XQuery processor are you running?

Is XML Converters also involved?

If you could provide a small and complete test case, support will try to replicate it in house.


bernard HauzeurSubject: Sharing Violation in Stylus versions 2010 and 2011 ...and 2009
Author: bernard Hauzeur
Date: 21 Jan 2011 09:08 AM
I have the same issue with the 2009 version of Stylus that I migrated from a terminated XP machine to a Windows7 64b system. (build 1291h)

The sharing violation dialog box pops-up while saving XML or XSL files.
The problem occurs at random. After 3 or 4 saving attempts, it passes OK. This is particularly annoying. I have not noticed the problem while saving TXT or java files.

The file name clearly points to a temp file. The path is actually that of the TEMP variable defined in the Windows environment.

I got some relief from the problem by redefining the TEMP var to point to a directory I created ad hoc, taking full ownership of it by the user executing Stylus, and outside of the indexed locations. Yet the sharing violation still occurs from time to time.

bernard HauzeurSubject: Sharing Violation in Stylus versions 2010 and 2011 ...and 2009
Author: bernard Hauzeur
Date: 07 Feb 2012 07:02 AM
In the end I found how to get rid of the issue!
There is clearly a file sharing conflict...with the anti-virus software running in background. Indeed, on frequent occasions, the anti-virus seems fast enough to pick and scan the transient XML file written in the %TEMP% dir by Stylus Studio...and this causes the file sharing violation in Stylus. More precisely, there is a race condition.
The solution is then to suspend anti-virus protection (and work in isolation) while working in Stylus! Note that just excluding the %TEMP%/*.xml objects from the anti-virus scope doesn't solve the issue with my Kaspersky anti-virus SW (it won't scan but trap the event to evaluate the exclusion...and this seems enough for causing the race condition!)

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Sharing Violation in Stylus versions 2010 and 2011 ...and 2009
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 07 Feb 2012 12:17 PM
Hi Bernard,

Thanks for sharing your findings

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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