 Subject: Bug: yellow infobox does not disappear (reproducible) Author: Steen Nielsen Date: 06 Dec 2010 01:27 PM
I have just found a small UI bug, that should be fairly easy to fix.
The yellow infobox that shows while you are writing xslt functions and the like, does not always disappear as it should, if you change to a different tab (another xml/xslt file).
I don't know what this is normally called, but I call it an infobox. If you follow the steps below, you will also get it.
I have found out that it is reproducible via the following example:
1. open a couple of files, xslt or other kind of files, that could trigger the infobox when writing code.
2. start writing some code and wait for the yellow infobox to appear, ex:
<xsl:value-of select="concat(test,
As soon as the , (comma) is inserted, a yellow infobox appears.
3. While the yellow infobox is still shown, use your mouse to go to another file-tab.
Now the yellow infobox will sit in the exact same position on the screen almost no matter what you try.
How to remove it again:
To remove the infobox, you would have to go back to the file-tab, where it was created, here you can do anything to remove it, click anywhere with the mouse (except the line where the textcursor is) or press escape.
It can become quite annoying, when you have several files open and you can't figure out which file this infobox belongs to.
I hope this helps with fixing the bug :-)
If more info is needed or my description was insufficient, I am of course willing to try and describe it better.