Subject:How do you remove linemarkings after pressing "Mark all" in the searchbox? Author:Steen Nielsen Date:06 Dec 2010 11:47 AM
I have just noticed, that when you search for a term with the "Mark all" button, it only marks the lines and not the found searchterm, which would be a much better solution, so that if you have long lines, it wouldn't be hell to find it.
Furthermore I was wondering if it was possible to remove the line marking when you are finished with the search? simply with a menuitem or keyboard shortcut?
I couldn't find any good ways other than closing the document and open it again.
Subject:From bookmarks to a list of search results Author:Steen Nielsen Date:07 Dec 2010 04:45 AM
Thanks mate!
I didn't know they were made into bookmarks, but thank you for clearing that up.
Maybe the "Mark all" button should be renamed to "Bookmark all" for clarity :-)
Now, I have a another small question. Is there a way to get a list of all search results instead of making them into bookmarks?
I couldn't exactly find a function to do this, but it could be a nice addon, if it isn't already implemented somewhere :-)
I've used this a lot in other development tools, which supply this functionality and it could be a nice to have feature for added usability and ease of use.