Subject:Implement Web Service Provider with XML Pipe Author:Yury Kovalev Date:28 Jul 2010 01:18 AM
SS shall be able to wrap the XML pipes into web services.
This would help developing new web services when WSDL is pre-defined.
Large corporates develop SOA solutions by specifying the interfaces first and developing the service implementations later when the interface specification is agreed between the developers.
Subject:Implement Web Service Provider with XML Pipe Author:Yury Kovalev Date:29 Jul 2010 03:50 AM
Thanks Ivan,
Xquery as Web service is a good one.
Exposing the XML Pipe as web service would allow drag&drop implementation of composite web services.
Composite service wrap calls to multiple end-points into one easy to use WS call. The composite service could go databases, XML files, to other systems and present a consolidated result.
AXIS allows to do that, but with plenty of hand coding.