Subject:WebService Connect Author:Jon Gallegos Date:17 Jun 2010 09:02 PM
I have tried following your video and your documentation, and i can not seem to connect to anything.
I click on New and select Web Service Call
I click on the browse UDDI button
I am offered only one choice.
and like your documentation I type "stock" in the Query field
I get the message
Connect with the Server could not be established.
Subject:WebService Connect Author:vsub sm Date:29 Jun 2010 04:56 PM
Is it possible to connect to a priavte UDDI registry like the one provided by SAP locally to its clients. They have something called 'Services Registry' which is nothing but a localized client's UDDI. I am not able to connect to it using the /api/inquiry/ using Stylus Studio.
I got the connect to work but now I need to make the paramters dynamic. for example
The XMl looks like this
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SPE:Envelope xmlns:SPE="">
<tns:GetPO xmlns:tns="">
The Supplier, Key, Startdate, and EndDate will need to be dynamic. How do i do that?
Subject:WebService Connect Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:13 Jul 2010 11:48 AM
If you like to query your local UDDI registry using SOAP over HTTP, you should consider writing a simple XQuery program, have a look at chapter 10 "Building a Web Service Client" at