Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Michael Nevins Date:19 May 2010 07:51 AM
[DataDirect][XQuery][err:FODC0004]Error at line 1, column 50. Table "rslogix5000content" not found in any JDBC connection.
I have the database and tables show up in the file explorer but I cannot open the tables or run my XQuery's without the above error. Do I need a special JDBC driver besides the MySQL below.
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Rory Farrell Date:19 May 2010 12:45 PM
Hi Michael,
You should be able to use the MySQL JDBC driver. In order to use the JDBC connection shown in the File Explorer you can switch to the "XQuery Source" tab and then click on the JDBC connection in the File Explorer and drag it to the right window pane (See attached screenshot).
This will store the JDBC connection information as metadata in the XQuery document. You should then be able to use XQuery to query and update the database.
See the URLs below for some video demonstrations that might be helpful.
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Minollo I. Date:19 May 2010 01:15 PM
Any chance you can share with us the XQuery you are trying to run (or at least the collection() expression(s) you are using) so that we can get a better idea about the problem you are hitting?
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Michael Nevins Date:19 May 2010 01:24 PM
I can take out system names to make it unclassified but I don't think that is needed yet. I seem to be getting a good handle on the Xquery side of things(for a novice). It is actually the very first XQuery on the connection I try to make to the database that it fails. I see the tables and the column headers, but I connect execute the most basic query without that error.?
Michael A. Nevins
Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Minollo I. Date:19 May 2010 01:33 PM
The error you are getting is from the runtime execution of the XQuery; the UI is clearly able to connect and get the information you need, but for some reason either the XQuery is not setup to be aware of which JDBC connections it should use, or it's referencing tables in the collection() functions in a way which MySQL doesn't "like".
Which is why I suggested providing details about the collection() expressions you are using. Also, in addition to seeing the database and table in the "File Explorer" view, are you also seeing the same information in the panel to the right of the XQuery source editor? If not, you do need to drag&drop the MySQL databaase connection (or the individual table you are trying to use) from File Explorer to that panel.
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Michael Nevins Date:19 May 2010 02:01 PM
Yes I did as you advised and brought over the MySQL DB to the viwer on the right side of the XQuery Tab view first. I attached a screen shot of XQuery Collectioin syntax.
Michael A. Nevins
Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Minollo I. Date:20 May 2010 09:56 AM
Strange; is the table you are referencing in the XQuery in the GDC1 database? Are you sure the database has been added to the set of XQuery sources? I tried to reproduce the problem with no luck; see attached image.
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Minollo I. Date:20 May 2010 11:20 AM
Not that I can think of. Can you try creating a new XQuery from scratch, drag&dropping the database in the right panel, drag&dropping a table from the right panel into the XQuery source and seeing if you get the same error?
Subject:err:FODC0004 Author:Michael Nevins Date:21 May 2010 09:16 AM
I get the same thing on a new XQuery. The URL looks all lowercase to me. I do see that the source shows underscores you might have thought was a capitol :as "jdbc_mysql_localhost_3306"
Michael A. Nevins
Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems