Subject:Help converting xml report to excel, then formatting excel? Author:Jake Sully Date:13 May 2010 01:32 PM
I have an xml report that I run for some server metrics. I have to take that xml report, import it to excel manually, then delete several rows of data because the xml version contains multiple rows for the same system if the server has multiple drives. After I do that then I have to delete several rows that I don't use. Then I have to convert some of the data in columns and convert it from KB to GB and put it into a percentage format.
Is this something that Stylus Studio can help make this nightmare take 5 minutes as opposed to 2 hours right now doing it manually?
Subject:Help converting xml report to excel, then formatting excel? Author:(Deleted User) Date:14 May 2010 04:03 AM
Hi Jake,
Stylus Studio can help building an XSLT stylesheet or an XQuery to process the data in an automated way; provide that the changes you are doing have a clear pattern and don't need a human eye to decide which row has to be deleted, etc..