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David GrowSubject: Houston we have a problem
Author: David Grow
Date: 17 Mar 2010 04:38 PM
Originally Posted: 17 Mar 2010 04:37 PM
OK. Before anyone jumps on me, I'm fairly new to XML, so please go easy on me. Here is my basic project.

I have an SQL job that runs a query. I want to e-mail the query results out via HTML e-mail. I am outputting the results to XML. I have created an XML Schema and an XML document with the required fields using visual studio. I am trying to create an template (XSLT) which for the XML document to follow that it looks all nice and pretty.

I was browing through the web and saw that stylus studio has a WYSIWYG editor for xslt. The tag line is you create the html document and we'll writet the xslt code. I thought...wow, that's for me. So, I purchased.

I started a new project and have the XML document in the project with the schema applied. I created a new xslt document in the project. I get a nice window with some basic header code, but that's it. OK, Vern...where the heck is my WYSIWYG? Some little varmit done run off with it!

So, what the heck do I do next. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole shootin match. I went to this here website for support and I see pictures of what I want to do (add elements, etc) from the tables. However, when I go to the xlst editor in stylus studio I don't see any of my information (tables, elements, etc) available.

Do I have to write my own xlst code? Holy friggin cow...I could have done that (well, maybe not) without spending the cash on this here program.

Somebody help an old soul who is in over his head. And the first one that says I need to read some other post or book is going to get whooped. :)


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Houston we have a problem
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 18 Mar 2010 04:17 PM


A simple suggestion don't buy a product exclusively on marketing tag lines. Take the evaluation package, test it first hand, and if the product satisfies you needs than purchase.

The first paragraph at http://www.stylusstudio.com/xslt_designer.html reads as following

<<"Please note: As of Stylus Studio 2007 Release 2 (May 2007) support for the XSLT designer has been replaced with XML Publisher, a more powerful XML-based tool for developing report generation applications.">>

You can learn more about XML Publisher at


Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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