Subject:XSL-FO PDF generation Author:Elliot Perez Date:17 Mar 2010 10:29 AM
I am using Stylus Studio Report to create a report, which I then try to export as XSLT 1.0 (which contains XSL-FO. My next step is to generate a PDF using the XSL-FO as input. My PDF generation software is FO.NET . I discovered that the following XSL-FO attributes generated by Stylus Studio are causing errors for FO.Net.
Here is a list of what I discovered so far:
1. <fo:table-column column-width="15%"/> (generated error for FO.NET)
solution is to manually change it to :
<fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(15%)"/>
2. It cannot accept any spacing between a numerical size for fonts (eg. 12 px must be 12px)
3. When using an image Stylus studio automatically inserting background="transparent", which I have to manually change to background=”white” .
4. When using an image, Stylus Studio generates and attribute: content-width="scale-to-fit", which I have to manually remove
W3C XSL-FO 1.1 standard has 3 levels of conformance: basic, extended, and complete. When we generate our XSL-FO compatible with our PDF generator software, like in my case FO.NET. It would be great to add the feature to Stylus Studio XML Report designer so we could select what level of conformance we want to be generated.