Subject:for-each loop is only returning last item in nodeset Author:Jack Zakarian Date:17 Feb 2010 02:50 PM
I have been running the attached xsl and xml file in the XSLT Source panel and am only able to have the last color and RGB values show in the preview panel. What do I need to change to get all the colors and their RGB values to display.
Subject:for-each loop is only returning last item in nodeset Author:Remko de Hoop Date:26 Mar 2010 05:46 AM
I have no clue if you are still looking into this but in your for-each loop you make attributes for every colour. But the attribute has the same name for every colour that you process so it will overwrite the previous attributes you made thus leaving you with only the last.
Mind you, I didn't test this but shouldn't it have given an error about the attribute allready existing? Oh well, by the looks of the stylesheet and what you say that happens, it overwrites the attributes.