Subject:Little Help Author:Darko Stev Date:05 Feb 2010 07:32 AM
Hello :)) Can someone help me and tell me how to create pdf or word file with xml and xsd or xslt?? I create xml and xslt file but i can't connect to my database to get the entities. Give me some advice or code how to create it.
Thanks :)
Subject:Little Help Author:James Delaney Date:09 Feb 2010 02:04 PM Originally Posted: 09 Feb 2010 02:05 PM
You'll need to include a bit more detail. However, to create PDF using XML and XSL Stylesheets, you need to perform post-processing (Render X or Apache FOP). For this you will need to utilize xsl:fo to construct the presentation layer of the document.
There's some ok tutorials out there regarding xsl:fo - within a stylesheet in Stylus studio, go to scenario properties -> post-process to enable it.