Subject:Tidying XML Author:Roedy Green Date:18 Jan 2010 09:00 PM
I noticed that the reindent feature of XML sometimes introduces a blank line at the top and removes the final CrLf at the end of the file.
It would be nice if the final product had no blank lines top and bottom and if the last line had its CrLf (or other terminator).
Also the indenter refuses to reindent, if it cannot access the schema, even when the document is otherwise well-formed. It should complain and go ahead anyway.
The indenter refuses to reindent XML fragments - pieces of XML that are balanced and well formed in themselves, but have no overarching single tag spanning the entire body. It would be nice if there were a way to reindent these, without having to temporarily provide a dummy spanning tag. Perhaps an extension *.xmlfrag.
I build XML files from fragments and also explain things bit XML fragments on my website in the Java Glossary.
I thought that was quite clever of you to specify a column beyond which you permit breaks at attributes. That is really the way the end user thinks about it.
One final unrelated request. Java's built in parser to validate documents to an XSD scheme gives quite unfriendly error messages. It would nice if there were a replacement that could be embedded in your programs.
Subject:Tidying XML Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:20 Jan 2010 10:32 AM
<<"One final unrelated request. Java's built in parser to validate documents to an XSD scheme gives quite unfriendly error messages. It would nice if there were a replacement that could be embedded in your programs.">>
Subject:Tidying XML Author:Roedy Green Date:25 Jan 2010 03:20 AM
><<"One final unrelated
>request. Java's built in
>parser to validate documents
>to an XSD scheme gives quite
>unfriendly error messages. It
>would nice if there were a
>replacement that could be
>embedded in your
>Stylus Studio provides access
>to several XML Schema
>in addition you can register
>your own processor, details at
I would like to make my OWN programs validate configuration files that end users compose, giving them friendly error messages. They won't have a copy of Stylus Studio. I was hoping for a bit of the functionality of Stylus Studio than could be embedded in my own code.
Possibly Stylus Studio might generate Java code to validate a specific schema. So the exposed part would not be useful to other programmers, just end users.