IRP_NAME and NAME_TYPE will be inserted into another table(XML_NAME) .
same as Address.
for that we have applied two XSLT
[1] first XSLT will remove namespace from XML file and copy all other Data to Intermediate XML file say Process.XML.
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
<xsl:template match="@* | text() | comment() | processing-instruction()">
[2] then we applied another XSLT on Process.XML to insert data to Database .
Note: here FILE_NAME parameter is set by the application,which insert
file name of XML file.
At this point everything worked fine but then we tried to merge both XSLT which will do two thing :
[1]It will remove namespace (which cause problem while inserting data )and
[2] Insert Data to Database .
That merged XSLT i have already mentioned in question.
Than FILE_NAME which was passed from Application as XSLT Parameter is not inserted into Database.I don't know what problem is there.
So for that we need your help.I hope my question is little bit clear to you.
IRP_NAME and NAME_TYPE will be inserted into another table(XML_NAME) .
same as Address.
for that we have applied two XSLT
[1] first XSLT will remove namespace from XML file and copy all other Data to Intermediate XML file say Process.XML.
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
<xsl:template match="@* | text() | comment() | processing-instruction()">
[2] then we applied another XSLT on Process.XML to insert data to Database .
Note: here FILE_NAME parameter is set by the application,which insert
file name of XML file.
At this point everything worked fine but then we tried to merge both XSLT which will do two thing :
[1]It will remove namespace (which cause problem while inserting data )and
[2] Insert Data to Database .
That merged XSLT i have already mentioned in question.
Than FILE_NAME which was passed from Application as XSLT Parameter is not inserted into Database.I don't know what problem is there.
So for that we need your help.I hope my question is little bit clear to you.
Subject:Value of File Name is not accessing through XSLT Author:Nisarg Mehta Date:06 Jan 2010 09:14 AM
Thanks Ivan for the wonderful help.
I have one more question regarding this and i am posting in same thread.
When mapping from XML to Database ,we have come across one problem that when XML file is too large(more than 10 mb)then while mapping to Database we got exeption of Java heap space.So we are trying to split
XML file which is longer in size.
So i have applied following XSLT to split large XML file .
Here problem is IRP_ACCOUNT is coming with name space and we want xml files to contains more <IRP_ACCOUNT> data not just one as right
now only coming one IRP_ACCOUNT information per one file.