Subject:Using XSLT 2.0 to define custom functions Author:Shyam V Date:09 Dec 2009 01:21 AM
I am looking to create a function using XSLT to replace multiple typesetter tags (print tags - essentially string patterns) with their HTML tag version. In order to do this, I could use the replace function over and over again
for example:
replace (replace (string, pattern1, replace1), pattern2, replace2) ... and so on
This could become extremely diffuclt to debug and maintain. So, I was creating custom functions using XSLT 2.0 to create the same feature by calling multiple custom function (each replacing a single type of pattern)
When I do this, the replaced string appends itself to the original string. So I end up having the same string concatenated onto itself multiple times (depending on the number of functions I call)
Resulting text looks like this
"my stringmy stringmy stringmy stringmy string"
Does someone know how I can call multiple custom functions, with the result of the first function passed to the next function ?