Subject:temp directory writing issue Author:samuel jolly Date:03 Nov 2009 05:10 AM
I have an issue with the EDI to XML convertor. When I try to converter any EDI file, I have an I/O error that fails the operation. The message is "
Error during conversion: c:\Documents and Settings\p0080381\Configuraci�n local\Temp\SEF1B6.sef (El sistema no puede hallar la ruta especificada)
Because locally my PC is in spanish, then the temp folder route contains accent and cannot be processed by Stylus.
Is any posible workaround for this kind of issue ?
I have already set the interface language to english.
Subject:temp directory writing issue Author:(Deleted User) Date:03 Nov 2009 05:36 AM
Hi Samuel,
we will investigate the issue; in the meanwhile, you can workaround the problem by setting your TEMP environment variable to a different folder (right click on the My Computer icon, go to the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button, select the TEMP variable from the user variables and change its value to a value like c:\Temp)