Subject:XML to Flat File Author:Praveen Palety Date:12 Oct 2009 09:54 AM Originally Posted: 09 Oct 2009 10:56 AM
Flat File to XMl process worked great. We have generated 'Conv,XSD, and XSL files' and used in our Microsft .net code to trasform a client's flat file to XML.
We are trying to figure out a way to do the opposite.Take our standard XML file and generate a flat file(According to Client's specifications)
Our business users will be using this tool.So they will need some kind of graphical interface to map and generate the XSL file.
Is there a way to generate XSl file or conv file to convert a XML file to flat file. We will be using these generated files in our Microsoft .Net code to automate the transfomation process for the client. (Our flatfiles are CSV or Fixed Width or Delimited files)