Subject:XML to X12 (invoice 810 edi) Author:(Deleted User) Date:14 Sep 2009 11:35 AM
I guess your XML invoice is in a proprietary format; in this case
1) use the File | Document Wizard | XML Editor | EDI to XSD wizard, select the X12 dialect (and the proper version), pick the 810 message from the list and click OK
2) save the generated file
3) create a new XSLT (or XQuery, depending on the language/processor you plan to use) and switch to the Mapper tab
4) select the schema file you just saved in the target schema pane, and your source XML invoice in the source schema pane
5) in the XSLT | Scenario Properties click on the "..." button next to Output URL, type in a file name where you want the EDI invoice to be written, check the "Save Using XML Converter" option; after you click OK, select the Electronic Data Interchange converter in the left pane and click OK again
6) design the mapping by dragging & dropping the field from the source schema pane to target schema pane
7) run the transformation and (hopefully) get the EDI version of your invoice.