Subject:How to generate XML sample data with from XSD Schema file? Author:Matt Adams Date:02 Sep 2009 10:29 AM
Assume I have a XSD Schema file. How can I generate an XML sample instance doc with sample values from this XSD (with StylusStudio) ?
What, if the XSD Schema file contains <xsd:choice> in deeper levels and I want to generate some sample XML for lets say the fifth variant?
Can I select between different branches of such a <xsd:choice>?
If this is not possible with StylusStudio: Which other tool can help me
for this task?
Subject:How to generate XML sample data with from XSD Schema file? Author:(Deleted User) Date:02 Sep 2009 12:54 PM
Hi Matt,
in Stylus Studio you can open the XML Schema, locate the definition for the element you want to generate, then right click on it and choose View XML Sample.
Before that, you should ensure that Tools | Options | XML Schema Editor | XML Schema to XML property page has the option "Choices and Substitution Groups" has the value "Generate all". At that point you can edit the generated XML to remove all but the fifth choice you are interested into.