This key is working, as the use @Id is within the Fall2008/Student path:
<xsl:key name="StudentId" match="Census/Fall2008/Student[@AdmitTerm='Fall Semester 2008' and @ProgramType='Freshman FX']" use="@Id"/>
This key is not working, as the use @Id is looking within the /TotCredit Path:
<xsl:key name="StudentId_Soph_Male" match="Census/Fall2008
/Student[Classification='trad undergrad' and Gender='Male']/TotCredits[(@UG>29.99) and (@UG<60)]" use="@Id">
How do I define an xpath (if I can) to have the xsl:key "use" step backwards to its parent? Attempting //@Id will match it to the wrong group (Spring2009) as it comes first in the XML data file. And I can not apear to get sibling::parent relations properly formed.