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Aleem SheikhSubject: Unique nodes based on two attributes
Author: Aleem Sheikh
Date: 01 Aug 2009 07:55 AM
Hi All,
I have been trying with this issue for a couple of days now, I will appreciate any help.

Following is the xml and I need unique rows based on two attribute i.e "Organization" and "Event". I have been trying to constract an IF condition which tells me whether the current node is a duplicate based on above mentioned attributes under a loop.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Row Title="Paul Smith" Role="Finance Director" Organization="London Trust" Organization_x0020_Type="Trust" Description=" " Event="Communication Procedures" >
<Row Title="John Martin" Role="" Organization="Oxford Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description=" " Event="Communication Procedures" >
<Row Title="Abdul Waheed" Role="" Organization="Oxford Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description=" " Event="Communication Procedures" >
<Row Title="Jojo" Role="IT Head" Organization="Oxford Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description=" " Event="Joint IT infrastructure" >
<Row Title="Joe Black" Role="" Organization="London Trust" Organization_x0020_Type="Trust" Description="" Event="Data sharing standards" >
<Row Title="Peter Crouch" Role="" Organization="Oxford Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description="" Event="Data sharing standards" >
<Row Title="Steven King" Role="" Organization="Northern Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description="" Event="Data sharing standards" >
<Row Title="David Osborne" Role="" Organization="Oxford Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description="" Event="Hardware for data sharing" >
<Row Title="David Brooks" Role="" Organization="Northern Deanery" Organization_x0020_Type="Deanery" Description="" Event="Hardware for data sharing" >

(Deleted User) Subject: Unique nodes based on two attributes
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 11 Aug 2009 08:04 AM
Hi Aleem,
you can use grouping to obtain the list of unique rows: have a look at http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/grouping/index.html for some techniques.


Aleem SheikhSubject: Unique nodes based on two attributes
Author: Aleem Sheikh
Date: 11 Aug 2009 09:36 AM
Thanks Alberto,
It's a good resource, it's a shame that I have worked with Jeni in the past, but never checked her website in detail.

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