Subject:Loading GML3.1 Author:Imad Abugessaisa Date:29 Jun 2009 03:37 AM
I'm trying to open a GML3.1 file in Stylux Studio, I got an error message saying that,
the file filename.gml is not a Custom XML Covertor DEfintion file, but some other XML formats.
Any idea on how I can define convertor to a GML fiel.
Subject:Loading GML3.1 Author:(Deleted User) Date:29 Jun 2009 05:22 AM
Hi Imad,
it may be that the first time you tried to open a .gml Stylus Studio showed you the dialog "How should I treat this extension?" and you picked the Custom Converter editor instead of the XML document.
If you don't see that dialog anymore when you try to load such a document, go to Tools | Options, select the File Types section, locate the .gml line and change the second column to be "XML Document"