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Patrick FrostSubject: XML Publisher
Author: Patrick Frost
Date: 30 Mar 2009 11:48 AM
My client is interested in buying Stylus Studio Enterprise to use the XML Publisher feature. Since they only speak Spanish, here is a translation of their questions:
1) Upon generating a PDF in Stylus Studio, "XML to PDF by RenderX XEP XSL-FO Formatter, visit us at http://www.renderx.com/" appears at the foot of the page. Is this message eliminated when we buy Stylus Studio, or do we also need to buy a license of XEP?
2) The file xep.xml uses Windows fonts, and we get font errors when we run the product in Solaris. How can we correctly configure the file xep.xml so it functions on Solaris?

(Deleted User) Subject: XML Publisher
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 02 Apr 2009 02:28 AM
Hi Patrick,
the copy of RenderX bundled with Stylus Studio can only be used to preview the XSL-FO stylesheets developed within Stylus Studio; in order to deploy the stylesheet on a live server you need to contact RenderX to gain the most appropriate license for your needs.
As for the fonts, the Stylus installer customizes the bundled copy of RenderX so that all the fonts available on your machine are made available to the PDF renderer; when you install RenderX on the Solaris box you will have to remove that section or, better yet, provide the font data associated with those fonts so that a XSL-FO using font Tahoma can still produce its intended output.

Hope this helps,

PS: have you checked if the free Apache FOP processor generates a PDF suitable for you?

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