Subject:jaxb support Author:Xavier Lefumeux Date:11 Feb 2009 11:26 AM
I have a very simple and basic question.
I've installed Stylus Studio 2009 XML Enterprise Suite with an evaluation license key.
Checking the Stylus web site, I've discovered that you support the generation of Java XML Bindings using jaxb (
I wanted to give it a try on one well-formed and valid xsd. But I don't see in the XML Schema menu the "Generate Java Binding classes" sub-menu. Checking / searching your web site, I don't see any explanation relative to this. Most screenshots actually don't look like the last version I've installed.
Do I require to do some configuration steps to be able to test it. Or is it not available with the evaluation version ?
Running in jdk se 7 environment (tried with jdk se 6_11 as well)
Subject:jaxb support Author:Minollo I. Date:11 Feb 2009 04:03 PM Originally Posted: 11 Feb 2009 03:59 PM
Support for JAXB has been removed in Stylus Studio.
Even if Stylus Studio just provided a way to easily invoke the XML Schema to Java classes utility, it did seem a convenient tool when we introduced it. But the functionality was virtually unused, and the work in keeping up with new JAXB versions at every release wasn't justified.
Apparently the website hasn't been properly updated to reflect that change; we'll make sure to fix that problem soon.