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Jared de VriesSubject: Can we use Stylus for our projects?
Author: Jared de Vries
Date: 15 Jan 2009 04:58 AM
Hi all,

For our online service we are currently using a custom webbased (.php) solution to handle XML files. But we are not very happy with this as XML files are getting bigger and bigger. We are currently handling XML files above 30MB.

Can we achieve the following within your Stylus?

1. Read data data from our remote MYSQL db
2. get (big) XML files from weblocations based on step 1.
3. match the fetched XML content with another remote MYSQL db
4. if different --> update remote MYSQL

If above is possible, would it be hard/ much work to implement it?
And would it actually be a better and faster solution?

Minollo I.Subject: Can we use Stylus for our projects?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 15 Jan 2009 09:00 AM
> 1. Read data data from our remote MYSQL db

Yes, you can do that using XQuery (Enterprise Suite).

> 2. get (big) XML files from weblocations based on step 1.

Not sure how this is related to step 1; but assuming you are talking about fetching data from a generic URI - possibly specified dynamically in your database, yes, yuo can do that.

> 3. match the fetched XML content with another remote MYSQL db

"Match" is a vague term; are you trying to check that the 30MB XML inside your database matches the 30MB XML you fetch through an I/O? How do you define "matches"? Equivalent XML InfoSet? Identical content, encoding, whitespacase and everything? Only match a few specific element/attribute values?

> 4. if different --> update remote MYSQL

Yes, in general you should be able to do that; how is the XML stored in your database?

How easy/difficult it is to do; not having details about step #3, it's tough to tell; but the process would seem very simple to cover in XQuery.

Jared de VriesSubject: Can we use Stylus for our projects?
Author: Jared de Vries
Date: 16 Jan 2009 05:42 AM
Thanks Minollo for your reply.

2. Yep, the XML urls are in Mysql, so we need to read them from the db and fetch the data one by one.

3. We have house-for-sale listings in our db. The xmls also contain houses. We have to check one-by one
if a listing is new or already present in the db. If the listing is present it has to be updated, if it's new,
it has to be inserted in MYSQL.

4. The xml values are stored in MYSQL as values, not as XML.

Minollo I.Subject: Can we use Stylus for our projects?
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 16 Jan 2009 09:03 AM
Seems to me DataDirect XQuery (bundled in Stylus Studio) will definitely help here.

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