Subject:How to tell StylusDiff.exe to ignore the order of elements? Author:Ramez Ghazzaoui Date:12 Jan 2009 06:46 PM
I am trying to use the StylusDiff.exe command-line tool to perform tree-wise comparinson of two small XML files. I'd like to know which option tells the program to ignore the order of elements. For example, the two pieces of XML shown below should be treated as identical even though the <QualifierName> and <QualifierUI> elements appear in a different order within <QualifierRecord>.
What option should I use for this purpose? My understanding from is that the Studio tool allows the user "to compare or ignore whitespace, namespaces, entities, ordering, element content, and more". Does the command-line tool have the same capability to ignore "ordering"?
Subject:How to tell StylusDiff.exe to ignore the order of elements? Author:Minollo I. Date:14 Jan 2009 02:06 PM
While the order of attributes is irrelevant in XML, the order of elements is part of the XML InfoSet ( Being XML Diff specifically an XML differencing utility, there isn't a way to instruct it to ignore element order.